(Informações em permanente atualização)
Sábado, 10:00 – 11:15 | Conferência Plenária
Anna Ethelwyn Baccaglini-Frank
Professora associada
Universidade de Pisa
Designing inclusive mathematics activities for primary school: the case of the PerContare Project
The PerContare Project is a design-based research project that was first funded to a team of mathematics educators and psychologists in Italy from 2011 to 2014 with the goal of designing and experimenting inclusive practices in mathematics education for primary school grades 1 and 2 (children ages 6-8), that would reduce the number of children who develop persistent difficulties in learning mathematics.
Because of its success, it was funded again from 2019 to 2022, so that the team of mathematics educators could design and experiment curricular activities in mathematics for grades 3, 4 and 5. In this talk I will describe aspects of the process of design and revision of the activities, and give some examples from different topics and different grades.
Sábado, 17:00 – 19:00 | Painel Plenário
Ana Paula Canavarro – Universidade de Évora
Jaime Carvalho e Silva – Universidade de Coimbra
Assunção Flores – Universidade do Minho
António Moreno – Universidad de Granada
Moderação da Mesa
Alexandra Sofia Rodrigues – NOVA.FCT – Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Desenvolvimento Curricular e as Novas AE de Matemática
Num sentido alargado, o desenvolvimento curricular é um processo dinâmico e continuo que solicita a intervenção da comunidade educativa e engloba diferentes fases, designadamente conceção e elaboração, justificadas pelos enquadramentos sociais e científicos (nacionais e internacionais), implementação, avaliação e reestruturação. O desenrolar destas etapas é em grande parte assegurado pelas políticas educativas nacionais e internacionais que são fulcrais para o desenvolvimento curricular. Em Portugal, os Decretos-Lei n.º 54 e 55, ambos de 2018, abriram portas a um modelo educativo mais flexível e com maior autonomia, que procura dar resposta aos desafios do século XXI.
Neste painel discutem-se as opções curriculares para o desenvolvimento das novas aprendizagens essenciais da disciplina de Matemática, do ensino básico e secundário.
Tendo por base investigação recente em desenvolvimento curricular e as opções curriculares de diferentes países, valoriza-se o desenvolvimento de competências transversais que permitam a formação de cidadãos interventivos, conscientes, responsáveis e com competências de aprendizagem ao longo da vida.
Domingo, 11:15 – 12:30 | Conferência Plenária
Manuel Santos Trigo
Departamento de Matemática Educativa
Mathematical problem-solving activities, digital technologies, and curriculum reforms to frame teaching and learning scenarios
The imposed social worldwide lockdown due to the COVID-19 crisis has modified not only the ways that people interact and face some daily responsibilities or professional duties, but it has also challenged the development and implementation of professional and school tasks. What digital affordances and online developments are important for students to learn mathematical concepts and to develop problem-solving competencies? How can teachers and students rely on digital tools to represent, explore, solve and extend mathematical tasks?
In addressing these types of question, it becomes relevant to discuss principles and tenets to support problem-solving instruction, ways to frame and foster the students consistent use of digital tools and online development to understand and solve mathematical problems, and to analyze what curriculum changes are needed to organize and support mathematical practices in learning scenarios that reconcile remote and face-to-face students’ work.