Thematic axes where oral or poster proposals should be included

Curricular development

The main purpose of this meeting is to reflect on curricular development and the different actors involved in it. As a space for knowledge sharing and a privileged context for learning, we intend to present and discuss the research that has been developed in this field, both nationally and internationally. Being the theme of the Meeting focused on curriculum development, the Discussion Groups will be organised in three themes (according to the papers that are submitted).

1. Curricular development and the materials and other resources

This axis aims to analyse research with a focus on materials and other resources that are mobilised by teachers for student learning. Materials and resources include, for example, manipulatives, paper or digital tasks, and technological resources such as scientific and graphing calculators, as well as all the educational software recommended in the prescribed curricula and presented to teachers.

In this context research contributions are expected, in paper or poster format, involving focused objectives:

  • On materials and resources as primary and secondary artefacts understood from different literature reviews and theoretical frameworks;
  • In identifying the types of interaction between teachers at different educational levels and the materials and resources;
  • In identifying the instrumental orchestrations that teachers and students, from different educational levels, use when working with the materials and resources;
  • In the processes by which teachers at different educational levels replicate, adapt and create tasks using materials and resources;
  • In the collaborative work of teachers from different educational levels in the selection, creation and implementation of materials and resources;
  • On the role of materials and resources in the construction of meaning in student learning at different educational levels.

2. Curriculum development and teaching practices

In this axis we intend to analyse research that illustrates teaching experiences, where there is evidence of the transfer of the prescribed curriculum, which after being interpreted, adapted and planned, is applied according to the working conditions and the students’ characteristics.

In this sense, contributions (papers and posters) that emphasize, for example, are accepted:

  • Integrated approaches in education STE(A)M;
  • Implementation of innovative practices that contribute to the improvement of performance and educational success in the subject of Mathematics;
  • Teaching and learning approaches in inclusive mathematics education;
  • Mathematics teaching and learning approaches in linguistic and cultural heterogeneous environments;
  • Mathematics teaching and learning approaches in E@D in times of pandemic;
  • Approaches to mathematics teaching and learning with the contribution of Activity Theory and/or Semiotic Mediation Theory and/or Instrumental Genesis Theory; – Approaches to mathematics teaching and learning within the History of Mathematics Education.

3. Curricular development and teacher training

In this thematic axis teacher education is seen in a comprehensive way, including initial and in-service training, but also informal aspects of teacher professional development. Research contributions (papers or posters) are expected to contribute to the better understanding of aspects such as:

  • The teacher’s role in curricular development;
  • Collaborative work as a bridge to curricular development;
  • Professional knowledge as a support for curricular development;
  • The integration of technology as a basis for curricular development;
  • Good practice in curricular and professional development for teachers.