The proposed papers will be grouped into three thematic axes:
- 1. Curricular development and the materials and other resources
- 2. Curricular development and teaching practices
- 3. Curricular development and teacher training
Submissions can be made in Portuguese, English, or Spanish.
Deadlines for submission
Until September 30, 2022 – Sending the full text of the proposal for oral communication or poster.
By October 23rd 2022 – Response from the Scientific Committee on the review process.
Until October 30th 2022 – Sending the final version of the text of the oral communication or poster.
Only texts submitted with at least one author pre-registered for the meeting by September 30th will be accepted for consideration.
Criteria for the screening of proposals
The texts proposed for oral communication or poster are subject to review based on the following criteria:
- Identification and clarity of the problem/objective of the study.
- Relevance, adequacy and timeliness of the theoretical foundation.
- Adequacy and justification of the research methodology.
- Relevance and support of the results.
- Articulation, consistency and justification of the conclusions.
- Use of APA style in references.
- Clarity, organisation and structure of the text.
- Consistency in relation to the standards defined for the formatting of the text.
Rules for editing oral communications
Following the editing guidelines below, the full text of oral papers should be sent by September 30th, 2022 to [email protected].
The response of the Scientific Committee on the acceptance, or not, of the submitted oral communication will be sent by October 16th, 2022.
Text length
Full text with a maximum of 35.000 characters, including spaces and excluding: title; name; affiliation and contact of the authors; abstract and keywords.
Times New Roman, size 12points, single-spaced, 6-point after paragraph
The text should contain the following information, in the following order:
- TITLE, in capital letters
- TITLE, in capital letters
- Name(s) of the author(s)
- Institution(s) of the author(s), in italic
- E-mail(s) of the author(s)
- Abstract (up to 1,600 characters, including spaces)
- Keywords (maximum of five)
- Abstract (up to 1,600 characters, including spaces)
- Keywords (maximum of five)
- Text of the Communication
Guidelines for poster proposals
Following the editing guidelines below, the full text of the posters should be sent by September 30th, 2022 to [email protected].
The response of the Scientific Committee on the acceptance, or not, of the submitted poster will be sent by October 16th, 2022.
Text length:
Final text may be extended to a maximum of 7,000 characters including spaces and excluding: title; name, affiliation and contact of authors; and keywords.
Times New Roman, size 12points, single-spaced, 6-point after paragraph
The text should contain the following information, in the following order:
- TITLE, in capital letters
- TITLE, in capital letters
- Name(s) of the author(s)
- Institution(s) of the author(s), in italic
- E-mail(s) of the author(s)
- Keywords (maximum of five)
- Keywords (maximum of five)
- Explanatory text of the poster’s content